

introduction of a Transformer



The electric power is generated, transmitted and distributed in the form of alternating current (A.C). The electric power is generating stations (Like hydro, thermal, nuclear etc.) at a voltage of 6.6 or 11 or 33kv. This power is to be transmitted over a long distances to supply various consumers in villages, towns and cities. The consumers uses power at a voltage of 400/230v. But the transmission of power is economical at high voltage such as 132, 220, 400 or  765kv. The high voltage transmission results in lesser cost of transmission lines and reduced power losses. Therefore a device (or equipment) is required for stepping up the voltage at generating stations and stepping down the voltage at the places where it is to be used. The electrical device (or equipment ) Which is used for this purpose is "Transformer".

The generating voltage of 6.6 or 11 or 33kv is stepped up to 132 (or) 220 (or) 400 (or) 765kv with the help of step-up transformer for transmission and then stepped down to 66  (or) 33  (or) 11kv at various sub-stations with the help of step-down transformers and further stepped down to 400/230v by means of distribution transformers for consumers use. 

Definition of Transformer : A Transformer is a static device, Which transfers electrical power from one voltage level to another voltage level without changing the frequency. It  can increase or decrease the voltage of an A.C. Supply with a corresponding decrease or increase in current through the medium pf magnetic field, Keeping the power of Transformation the same. it transfers power from one electrical circuit to another by electromagnetic induction principle.

Reasons for the popularity of the Transformer  

The Transformer is an electromagnetic device, Which transformers electrical energy  (power) from one electrical circuit to another electrical circuit without any changing frequency. Actually, the transformer is an electromagnetic energy conversion device, since the electrical energy 

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