

Classification of Overhead Transmission Lines

 Classification of Overhead Transmission Lines

A transmission line has three constants namely Resistance [R], Inductance [L] and capacitance [C] which are uniformly distributed along the whole length of the line. The resistance and inductance parameters are connected in series with the line where as the capacitance is connected between lines conductors i.e., in case of single phase lines the capacitance is placed between line conductor and neutral, in case of 3-phase line, it forms like a shunt path throughout the length of the line. Hence, the capacitance effects introduce more complications in transmission line calculations.

The transmission lines are mainly classified in to three types depending upon the manner in which the capacitance is taken into account, namely

1. Short Transmission Line:  when the length of the transmission line less than 80 Km and the voltage is less than 20 kV then this type of transmission line is called short Transmission Line

Due to smaller length and lower voltage, the capacitance effects are very small and hence it can be neglected. Therefore, the performance of transmission line can be studied with resistance and inductance parameters only

2. Medium Transmission Lines: when the length of the transmission lines is lies between 80 – 240 Km and the operating voltage is lies between 20 – 100 kV then this type of transmission line is called Medium Transmission Lines.

Due to the sufficient length of the line and voltage, the capacitance effects are taken in to account. The capacitance may be distributed along the length of the line [or] lumped at one [or] more points in the line.

3. Long Transmission Lines: When the length of the transmission line is more than 240 Km and its voltage is greater than 100 kV then this type of transmission line is called “Long Transmission Lines”.

In order to study the performance the long transmission lines, the transmission line constants [R], L and C are considered to be uniformly distributed over the whole length of line and rigorous methods are employed for solution.

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