

Working principle of thermal power plant

                          Working principle of thermal power plant

In the thermal power plant, the heat of combustion of fuel (coal, oil (or) gas) is utilized by the boiler to raise the steam at high pressure and temperature. The steam so produced is used in driving the steam turbines or sometimes steam engine coupled to generators and thus the electrical energy is developed. The operating principle of thermal power plants is show in fig

                                            Thermal power plant Block digram.

Advantages of thermal power station

1.     The cost of the fuel (coal) is cheaper as compared to nuclear power plant

2.     Less quantity of water is required as compared to hydel power plants

3.     Large amount of power can be generated.

4.     Less space is required in comparison with that for hydro electric plants

5.     Cheaper in initial cost in comparison with other types of power plants of same capacity.        Its cost varies from Rs.3000/- to Rs.4000/- per KW of installed capacity.

6.     Cheaper in production cost in comparison with that of diesel power plants.

7.     This type of power plants can be installed at any place irrespective of the existence of            fuels, while hydro-electric plants can be developed only at the source of water power.

8.     This type of power plants can be located near the load centers. While the hydro-electric        plants have essentially to be installed at source of water power which is usually isolated        from urban area, transmission costs are, therefore, reduced.

9.     Steam turbines can run continuously under 25%  overload.

Disadvantages of thermal power station:

1.     High maintenance and operating costs

2.     Pollution of atmosphere due to fumes and residues from pulverized fuels.

3.     Requirement of water in huge quality.

4.     Handling of coal and disposal of ash is quite difficult.

5.     Troubles from stroke and heat from the plant.

6.     With the increase in the operating temperature and pressure, the plant cost increases.

7.     Requires long time for erection and put into action.

8.     Efficiency falls rapidly below 75% of full load.

9.     Costlier in operating cost in comparison with that of hydro and nuclear power plants.

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