

Hydroelectric power plant explanation of each and every parts in detail

 Hydroelectric power plant explanation of each and every parts in detail

Shows the schematic arrangement of a hydro-electric power plant. The main requirement for hydro-electric power plant is the availability of water in huge quantity at sufficient head and it can be met by constructing a dam across a river or lake.

An artificial storage reservoir is formed by constructing a dam across a river or lake and a pressure tunnel is taken off from the reservoir to the valve house at the start of the penstocks. The value house contains main sluice valves for controlling water flow to the power station and automatic isolation valves for cutting off water supply in case the penstocks bursts. A source tank is also provided just before the valve house for better regulation of water pressure in the system.

The water from the reservoir is carried to valve house through pressure tunnel and from valve house to the water turbine through pipes of largest diameter made of steel or reinforced concrete called penstock. The water turbine converts hydraulic energy into mechanical energy and the alternator which is coupled on the same shaft of the water turbine will converts mechanical energy into electrical energy. Water after doing useful work is discharged to the tail race.

The following are the main requirements of be considered, for construction of hydro-electric plants, namely.

1.     Catchment area

2.     Reservoir

3.     Dam

4.     Fore bay

5.     Water ways

6.     Draft tube

7.     Surge tank

8.     Spill way

9.     Trash tracks

10. Power house and equipment.

1. Catchment area: The area behind the dam, which collects the rain water, drains in to a stream (or) river is called “Catchment area “.

2. Reservoir: The place in which the water is stored in a dam is called Reservoir. A reservoir may be natural (or) article. A natural reservoir is a lake in high mountains and artificial reservoir is made by constructing a dam across the river.

3. Dam : A dam is a structure of masonry (or) same other material built at a suitable location across a river.

i)                    To provides the following functions, namely

ii)                  To create storage (or) pond age.

4. Fore bay: Water carried by the power canals is distributed to various penstocks leading to the turbine, through the fore bays. Fore bays are mainly used to store the water temporarily when the load is increased. Hence, the fore bays will acts as a short of regulating reservoir.

5. Water way: A water way is used to carry the water from reservoir of the dam to the power house.

6.  Draft Tube: Draft tube connects the runner exit to tail race. Draft tube is a metallic pipe (or) concrete tunnel having gradually increasing cross sectional are towards outlet to the tail race.

7.  Surge tank: A surge tank is a small reservoir (or) tank in which the water level rises (or) falls to reduce the water hammerings inside the conduit (penstock). The main function of surge tank is to provide space for holding water during load rejection by the turbine and also supplies an additional water when the load on the turbine increases. It also relieves the water hammer pressures within the penstock under sudden changes in water flow.

8. Spill ways: The spill ways provides discharge of surplus water (or) flood water from storage reservoir in the downstream side of the dam and it also serves as a safety value for the dam.

9. Trash tracks: These are mainly used to prevent the entry of debris to the intakes from the dam.

10. Power house and equipment: power house consists of the main building of hydro electric development and in which the conversion of water energy to electric energy takes place.

Some important equipment provided in the power house are as follows.

a)     Turbine

b)     Generators

c)      Governors

d)     Relief valves for penstock fittings.

e)     Gate valves

f)       Flow measurement equipment

g)     Air ducts

h)     Water circulating pumps.

i)        Transformers

j)        Battery room

k)      Reactors.

l)        Low tension and high tension bus bars

m)   Oil circuit breakers

n)     cranes

o)     Shop and offices


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